Home Terms & Conditions

Global Muslim matchmaking

Terms and Conditions for Membership between Metro Matrimony (Pakistan) Limited and the Customer


You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (“The Membership Terms and Conditions”) by installing, accessing, or using our apps, services, features, software, or website (together, “Services”).

This is a legal agreement between you and Metro Matrimony (Pakistan) Limited. By using this www.erishta.com you agree to the following Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions then you are not authorized to use or access these services. The application form is a contractual offer by you to us subject to these Terms and Conditions and no others. This document ('The Membership Terms and Conditions') sets out the relationship between you and Metro Matrimony (Pakistan) Limited to which you are expressly agreeing to once you accept the Membership Terms and Conditions.

Membership Terms and Conditions

You affirm that you are over 18 years old and have not lied or cheated in any way shape or form in order to use this website.

Anyone found to be using the Metro Matrimony services under the age of 18 will be banned immediately without refund and your IP address will also be banned.

You affirm and have sworn by Allah that you are a practicing Muslim who is upon the Quran and Sunnah and is looking to marry a practicing Muslim spouse.

The Metro Matrimony services are for the use of helping you find a spouse in a halal manner. If you are the parent or Wali of a sister, you MAY create an account on behalf of your child WITH THEIR PERMISSION.

You may NOT create multiple accounts for yourself. Any member found with more than one account can be banned permanently without a refund.

Metro Matrimony is intended solely for individual member personal use and not for commercial or business purposes. If you are a business entity or commercial concern, your presence on our services is not allowed unless it is expressly authorized in writing by Metro Matrimony. Metro Matrimony pursues vigorous legal action against unauthorized login by business and commercial entities.

You expressly agree to use this service subject to the following terms and conditions:

You will carefully read, understand and agree to all the terms and conditions outlined in this Membership Terms and Conditions document. If you do not understand or agree to ALL Membership Terms and Conditions, you forgo the right to use our service, and you will not login to the Metro Matrimony services at any time.

Please pay attention to the following rules which if broken, will result in a PERMANENT BAN from the Metro Matrimony site WITHOUT A REFUND:

You have registered as a member of Metro Matrimony solely for the purpose of finding a spouse OR you are a parent / wali who has registered on behalf of their child WITH THEIR PERMISSION. You may not assign or otherwise transfer your account to any other person or entity.

You commit to keeping all information provided to you by other members of Metro Matrimony private and confidential and you will obtain the permission of the member who provided it to you prior to sharing it with a third party.

You will not request money, or any other form of financial assistance, from any member that you meet on Metro Matrimony services – any attempt to do so may result in your details being shared with legal teams, lawyers, the Police or any other Government or legal bodies for the purpose of an investigation.

You will not send money or any form of financial asset to any other member that you meet on Metro Matrimony Services– any attempt to do so may result in your details being shared with legal teams, lawyers, the Police or any other Government or legal bodies for the purpose of an investigation.

You will not organize and will not participate in any funds transfer or any asset transfer arrangement organized by any member you meet on any of Metro Matrimony's services– any attempt to do so may result in your details being shared with legal teams, lawyers, the Police or any other Government or legal bodies for the purpose of an investigation.

You will not load or distribute any virus or software which may harm the Metro Matrimony services or any of its users.

You will not post in your profile or communicate through any conversations vulgar material, pictures or content of an Un-Islamic nature.

You will not post in your profile or communicate through any conversations any material promoting harmful or criminal thoughts, intent or action.

You will not post in your profile or communicate through any conversations any form of harassment, sexual or otherwise, racism, bigotry, violence, invasion of privacy, suggesting, engaging in or enticing other to commit any illegal or immoral acts. Such actions can be followed up and prosecuted as necessary.

You will not send to any member unsolicited mass mailings, junk mail, spam mail and chain letters, nor will you send any business information with the intent to engage or sell to other members including asking members to sign up to other websites or any other medium for products and services

You will not engage in gathering personal information such as email addresses, telephone numbers, addresses, financial information or any other kind of information of our members.

The information that you include about yourself in your profile will be accurate and will be the truthful description of your true self – and we remind you that you have sworn by Allah that you are speaking the truth and any attempt at lying can and will be held against you and legal proceedings can be taken against you.

All photographs you upload to Metro Matrimony will be authentic, truthful and recent photographs of yourself. If any other persons are incidentally included in the photos that you upload, you represent and you warrant that you have their explicit consent to upload such photos. You agree to indemnify Metro Matrimony and its employees against any claim arising as a result of you uploading unauthorized photographs without owner or subject consent.

Your right to use Metro Matrimony is subject to any restrictions, limitations, or conditions established or imposed from time to time at the sole discretion of Metro Matrimony. This may include future limitations on certain features and functions.

Specifically, please note the following:

www.erishta.com is where our admin team monitor and check messages for the safety of other members. You agree that your conversations are subject to being monitored and NO EXCEPTIONS will be made.

You MAY share contact details once compatibility has been established between you and another member. Any attempt at sharing details prior to this will result in a ban from www.erishta.com

Please note that once you take your conversations OFF www.erishta.com, Metro Matrimony is in no way shape or form implicated in any situations or problems that could happen between you and the member. It is YOUR responsibility to do your diligence and make the same checks and investigations that you would usually make when searching for a spouse offline.

Profiles are MANUALLY approved within 24-48 hours and any profiles deemed suspicious or fraudulent will be rejected immediately with a permanent ban and NO refund.

Spamming the Helpdesk or sending inappropriate messages to the admin can result in a permanent ban from Metro Matrimony.

Abuse to staff will NOT be tolerated in any way, shape or form, and will result in a permanent ban without refund.

Fraud and Scam Warning

Metro Matrimony specifically and emphatically warns members never to send money to anyone that they meet on our services. A very small number of profiles on our services may not be genuine and may belong to scammers that may manage to slip through our extensive filters and pose as people who they are not. Metro Matrimony has no way of determining the validity of any communication that you receive from another member or the validity of the person behind such communication. We believe that these are few in numbers, but the damage they can cause may be enormous. These scammers will typically pose as an attractive woman or man. They will initiate contact with other members and will at some point during the interaction request money from the other person. This could be a request in the form of a loan, assistance for food, assistance for medical treatment, assistance to cover travel expenses to visit that member or assistance to smuggle a fortune out of a particular country. The list is endless. The bottom line is that we are warning our members to never send any money to anyone that they meet on this site for any reason whatsoever. Chances are 100% that the sending member will be defrauded of that money and will become another unhappy fraud victim. It is a violation of site policy to solicit money from or to send money to any member on the site. It is YOUR responsibility to report any member who asks you for any payment by using the report member feature on their profile.

Metro Matrimony is Held Harmless

You explicitly, expressly and totally understand and agree that Metro Matrimony is held harmless by you and anyone else against any wrongdoing, damage, scam, misrepresentation, inappropriate contact, untruthfulness, trickery, or deceit perpetrated against you by any member that you meet on this site or on any of our affiliated sites, or that you meet through Metro Matrimony. Metro Matrimony Assumes no Liability, Financial or Otherwise in any such cases.

Metro Matrimony does not endorse, confirm, support, verify or validate the accuracy or the reliability of any of the information posted by members on our services. This includes but is not limited to all text, photographs, pictures, and any other content.

You explicitly, expressly, and totally understand and agree that Metro Matrimony assumes no liability or responsibility, financial, or otherwise for the truthfulness, accuracy, intent, motives, or behaviour of anyone on this site or any of its affiliate sites. You meet people on Metro Matrimony at your own risk. People use the internet for various motives and intentions. It is your responsibility and solely your responsibility to verify the accuracy, truthfulness, good intentions, and motives of anyone that you meet on this site. Metro Matrimony is not responsible and is not liable for any aspect of any conversations, contact, or other information exchanged between members online or offline.

Metro Matrimony assumes no financial or any form of responsibility or liability for any financial loss, material loss, emotional harm, physical harm, or any other type of loss or harm you may incur as a result of contacting or being contacted by, communicating with, meeting, interacting with, or conducting business with anyone you meet on our services or any of its affiliates or through any links associated with these.

You agree that you will NOT request money or any form of financial or material assistance from any other member that you meet through our services. Doing so will result in an IMMEDIATE BAN and your details may be passed onto third parties who enforce the law. Your conversations are recorded and you AGREE that your conversations are recorded in order for you to use Metro Matrimony as a matrimonial service. We MAY pass your conversations on to any third parties in the cases of fraud/scams and other cons that can seek to harm either Metro Matrimony or its members.


You agree to indemnify Metro Matrimony, its staff and stakeholders against any loss or damages, including without limitation reasonable legal fees, which we may suffer from your activities on or use of the site, including without limitation any breach by you of this Agreement or any charges or complaints made by other parties against you.

Inappropriate Use of Metro Matrimony

Metro Matrimony intends to pursue vigorous legal action against any individual or business entity engaging in inappropriate use of our services. Inappropriate use includes but is not limited to:

Posting in your profile or communicating through conversations any vulgar material, pictures or content.

Posting in your profile or communicating through conversations any material promoting harmful or criminal thoughts, intent or action.

Posting in your profile or communicating through conversations any form of harassment, sexual or otherwise, racism, bigotry, violence, invasion of privacy, suggesting, engaging in or enticing other to commit any illegal or immoral acts.

Sending to any member unsolicited mass mailings, junk mail, spam mail and chain letters.

Posting in your profile or communicating through conversations any content promoting or soliciting commercial activity including advertising the selling of any product or service, including joining or acquiring membership in any other website.

Engaging in any practice with the intent of gathering personal information such as email addresses, telephone numbers, addresses, financial information or any other kind of information from our members.

Requesting money, or any other form of financial assistance, from any member that you meet on our services.

Sending money or any form of financial asset to any other member that you meet on our services.

Participating in any funds transfer or any asset transfer arrangement organized by any member you meet on our services.

Service Interruption

From time to time due to technological factors, scheduled software uploads and other factors beyond our control, service may be temporarily interrupted. From time to time, certain features of the site may not be available. You agree to hold Metro Matrimony harmless against any such interruption of service.

Metro Matrimony Content Policy

Members may not include telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, instant message details, mobile applications designed for communication or street addresses or ANY other form of personal details, including their Metro Matrimony premium subscription status in their Metro Matrimony profile AND cannot send these details through the conversations on our services (except in the case of establishing compatibility). Profiles that are registered with any of the above information will be subject to immediate deletion.

You agree to include FACTUAL information about yourself which is a TRUE and ACCURATE representation of yourself. You may NOT use fake pictures (actors, actresses, models or any person who is not the actual member.) and any other misleading or untruthful personal Information, such as misrepresented real age, location, country of residence, country of origin, religion, height, weight, and any other item of personal description can result in a permanent ban without refund.

Content Deletion

Metro Matrimony reserves the right and diligently exercises that right to delete any content violating Content Policy parameters outlined above. Metro Matrimony will delete any content including pictures, messages or profiles that is deemed in the sole discretion of Metro Matrimony to be illegal, immoral, offensive, or in violation of the letter and spirit of this agreement and the purpose of the website or any of its affiliates.

Metro Matrimony Right to Use Member Provided Information

You grant Metro Matrimony the right in its sole discretion to edit, modify, delete any of the information that you have submitted in your profile if it fails to meet our aforementioned criteria. This includes text, photographs, pictures and any and all other information submitted with your profile at time of activation or at any subsequent time.

Monitoring Policies and Practices

Metro Matrimony is committed to making the use of our site a safe and pleasant experience for our members. In order to do this, Metro Matrimony manually checks and approves profiles, as well as moderating messages between members. This is to protect our members and is also in accordance to the Islamic principles we stand by.

Any member found to be trying to find ways to evade using our services conversation area and trying to post their personal details to take conversations off our services will be banned without refund.

Any member requesting to take conversations off the Metro Matrimony website when compatibility has not been established can be subject to a permanent ban without refund.

Please note that ALL members of Metro Matrimony– whether free or paid MUST adhere to the rules mentioned herein these terms and conditions. Failure to do so can result in a ban without refund.

Purchased Memberships Terms and Conditions

It is YOUR responsibility to CANCEL your membership when you are no longer interested in being a member of Metro Matrimony. Metro Matrimony will NOT refund any members who have failed to do so.

Refund Policy

Metro Matrimony will NOT refund ANY payment to ANY member for ANY reason whatsoever EXCEPT in the case of error on Metro Matrimony’s part. If Any refunds are issued in case of error on Metro Matrimony's Part, it will be processed and completed within 14 days of initial refund request.

Metro Matrimony will not refund any member who has decided that they no longer wish to use Metro Matrimony. A refund can NOT be given in part or whole for any subscription used or not used by any member for whatever reason. Users who wish to cancel their subscription are not permitted to seek a partial or full refund for any reason.

Metro Matrimony is a SERVICE PROVIDER and makes NO GUARANTEES either on our website or through our marketing that you will definitely find a spouse.

Metro Matrimony’s matching algorithm has an accuracy rate of 70% through the Personality Matching and we explicitly say so. Metro Matrimony CANNOT be held responsible for the 30% of people whose profiles may not be accurate due to variances in their data. It is YOUR responsibility to involve your families and do your necessary checks when searching for a spouse.

Follow through with members you meet are YOUR responsibility, and as such, you absolve Metro Matrimony of any issues, problems or other factors which would arise from meeting members or being in touch with them OUTSIDE Metro Matrimony.

It is YOUR responsibility to take the necessary precautions with members you meet through Metro Matrimony as you would otherwise take if you were meeting any other proposal.

It is YOUR responsibility to involve your family and your Wali in all your communications OFF or ON Metro Matrimony– Metro Matrimony cannot and will not be held responsible for any problems which occur with any member OFF the website.

Metro Matrimony asks sisters to include their Wali in their communications but cannot enforce this. Marriage without a wali is invalid for sisters who have never previously been married. Metro Matrimony does NOT condone members to meet freely outside the realm of the website and CANNOT be held responsible for any issues or problems that arise as a result of you doing so.

Membership Types

One Month - After your initial subscription term expires, your subscription will automatically renew until cancelled for each monthly period.

3/6/12 month subscription - After your initial subscription term expires, your subscription can be extended at any time by upgrading (Payments will be Auto-renewed for Google Pay & Apple Pay users)

Introductory offers, discounts and vouchers redeemed can only be availed once in a lifetime and are limited time offers only.

Metro Matrimony is constantly reviewing the price of purchased membership. Metro Matrimony may, in its sole discretion, adjust the price upwards or downwards at any time.

REFUNDS are NOT permitted during times of offers and discounts where members have already paid in full. You may NOT cancel your membership to buy a cheaper deal, as your IP address is recorded and we reserve the right to ban your account on this basis.

Recurring Payment Policy and Cancellation of Paid Subscription

All monthly subscriptions automatically rebill at the end of the initial subscription term.

If you do not wish to be billed again after your initial purchase, you must CANCEL your membership prior to the scheduled re-bill date. If your membership is not cancelled before then, we reserve the right NOT to refund you on payments made to us due to your mistake.

Stolen Cards and Fraudulent Use of Credit Cards - Metro Matrimony takes credit card fraud very seriously. Discovery that any member has used a stolen or fraudulent credit card will result in the notification to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Limit on the number of messages

Metro Matrimony imposes a limit on the daily number of messages that any member can send to other members. This is to prevent spam and to ensure that no single member on our services can access an unreasonably large number of members with inappropriate messages or content in a short period of time. The current maximum number of daily eMessages that any member can send is 50.

Metro Matrimony reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to increase or to decrease the number of daily permitted emails.

The unpredictability of Messages and Replies

Some members that you send a message to may not respond to your email message. Although this can be quite frustrating, it could be due to a number of factors. The member you are trying to reach may be talking to other members and is not interested in starting something new. The member may also elect not to respond to you because they are not interested in your profile or they do not see a picture in your profile.

A refund can NOT be given on the basis of members choosing not to correspond with you. Reasons for members failing to contact you include: poorly written profile, personal preferences and wants do not match yours, your profile may not be appealing to others, your personal circumstances may mean your profile is not of interest to others etc. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but in all such occasions, you CANNOT be refunded.

It is YOUR responsibility to communicate with members in a polite, respectful manner. Rude, offensive, filthy, disgusting or vulgar messages or any other inappropriate messages will result in a permanent ban without refund. Similarly, if you find a member behaving like this, please REPORT this person immediately. Although Metro Matrimony is a moderated site, on rare occasions the odd profile can slip through our filters. Please report members who are in violation of any of the rules mentioned herein. Metro Matrimony cannot be held responsible for any members who are rude, offensive, filthy, vulgar or trying to scam/fraud anyone. What we WILL do, however, is ban any member found to be in violation of our rules. If needs be, personal data CAN and WILL be handed over to law enforcement agencies to aid and assist them in their enquiries.

Agreement to Receive Notifications and Other Communications

Metro Matrimony reserves the right to send electronic mails, push notifications, in-app notifications to you and to other members. The purpose of this communication includes but is not limited to:

Inform you of any change to the status of your membership.

Inform you about contacts or interests in your profile from another member.

Inform you of any modifications to this Agreement or of any additions or changes to our services.

Inform you of other member profiles that may represent a suitable match to the selection criteria stated in your profile.

Provide information to you regarding our affiliate or partner sites.

Inform you about any Metro Matrimony related products or services.

Provide you with information about any item that we think, in our sole discretion, may be of interest to you.

Please do NOT mark our emails as spam or as nuisance email. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe links in the footer of the emails we send out. Emails sent from our system regarding important changes do NOT have unsubscribe/opt-out information because these are seen as NECESSARY to inform members of important changes, however, once you log in to your Metro Matrimony account you can always go to My Accounts > Privacy Preferences and select which emails you want to receive.

Proprietary Information

Metro Matrimony asserts full copyright protection in all content published on the website by our partners, our members, and other users. You explicitly agree that you will not copy, modify, or distribute any of such information without the express written consent of the original owner of the content.

Terms of Use Modifications

Metro Matrimony may periodically modify this agreement. It is your sole responsibility to review this agreement at least on a monthly basis to determine if any of the modifications are unacceptable to you. If any subsequent modifications are deemed unacceptable, you must immediately discontinue use of the site. Your login subsequent to reviewing any modifications constitutes a binding acceptance by you of any and all modifications to the Agreement.

Our services is used at your own risk. We accept no liability for any loss or damage to your hardware and/or software resulting from your access and/or use of the website.

Your statutory rights are not affected at all by these terms and conditions.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Any dispute will be dealt with in the English courts.

Each party confirms that, save as expressly set out in this agreement, no term of this agreement is enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)

Act 1999 by any third party who but for that Act would not have been entitled to enforce such terms.

Company Details

Metro Matrimony (Pakistan) Limited

A-107C , Hunaid City Commercial Building, Gulistan-e-Johar Block 17, Karachi, Pakistan.

Copyright Notice

All material on our services is copyright. You may only use it in the ways authorized by the copyright owner. All site design, text, graphics, user interfaces, software, and their selection and arrangements are © 2024 Metro Matrimony (Pakistan) Limited.


Any use of materials on our services without prior written permission of Metro Matrimony is strictly prohibited.

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding this Policy or about the Metro Matrimony’s privacy practices, please contact us by email at [email protected], or at:

Metro Matrimony (Pakistan) Limited

Admin Office

A-107C, Hunaid City

Commercial Building

Block 17, Gulistan-e-Johar

Karachi, Pakistan

EU Support Office

Puma Way



West Midlands

United Kingdom

Last updated on 14 August 2024